mercredi 16 juillet 2008

Traitement à base de cellules souches

Situé aux Caraïbes.

Medra Inc.

Medra’s mission is to reduce the pain and suffering from many of mankind’s most devastating diseases (including some which traditional medicine still considers untreatable), by delivering the future promise of Fetal Stem Cell Therapy today.

Founded in 1995, Medra is a pioneer in stem cells and the leading provider of Fetal Stem Cell Therapy. Medra has already delivered the promise of Fetal Stem Cells to over one thousand patients, both children and adults.
Medra also treats patients for general wellness and longevity.

Medra was founded and is lead by Dr. William Rader, who serves as Medra’s medical director and chief scientist and has worked with Fetal Stem Cells for over 12 years.

Medra has offices and laboratories in California U.S.A., Georgia
(The Former Soviet Republic), Germany and the Dominican Republic.

To find out more about the present day application of Fetal Stem Cells you can contact

Medra Inc. at:

Toll Free: (800) 386-9121
Direct: (310) 455-5300
Fax: (310) 455-5318